All Our Roads, Our Safety® Campaigns
FMCSA manages a series of campaigns that help raise awareness about sharing the road safely and reducing crashes involving large trucks and buses on our roadways through safe driving behaviors. The below toolkits group resources based on topic. Explore, download, and share these resources with your communities to help keep our roads safe.
General Safe Driving Resources
The more we understand each other’s experiences on the road, the better we can look out for one another. FMCSA has a wide range of materials to help all road users understand the different safety challenges and how to share the road safely.
CMV Safe Speed Campaign
Obeying traffic laws, particularly the speed limit, can help keep everyone safe on our roads. FMCSA’s Safe Speed Campaign supports CMV drivers by reminding them to maintain a safe speed while navigating our roads.
Distracted Driving Campaign
Driving distracted is a leading cause of crashes on America’s roadways. To reduce this number and keep road users safe, FMCSA developed a Distracted Driving Campaign to encourage CMV drivers to stay focused behind the wheel.
Work Zone Safety Campaign
Work zones present many challenges for trucks and buses – narrow lanes, sudden stops, traffic pattern shifts, and uneven road surfaces require all drivers to stay alert. It is critical that all road users approach work zones cautiously and do their part to keep the road safe for everyone.
Localized Our Roads, Our Safety® Materials
Crashes happen at a local level, so having resources and materials that speak to road users in your area is important. FMCSA tailors Our Roads, Our SafetyⓇ campaign materials with state-specific information to help keep drivers safe on your state’s roads and highways. If you don’t see your state available yet, check back soon.
CMV Seat Belt Campaign
Wearing a seat belt can save lives. FMCSA’s campaign, Y I Buckle Up, supports and protects large truck and bus drivers by reminding them to buckle up always.
CMV Driver Health & Safety Resources
A CMV driver’s health directly impacts their ability to operate on our roads safely and effectively. Remind CMV drivers to prioritize their mental and physical health before hitting the road.
Download the FMCSA Outreach & Education Campaign Calendar to stay up-to-date on FMCSA outreach campaigns and get involved.