Passenger Vehicle Driver
Job Title: Epidemiologist; Experienced Driver
From: Cranford, New Jersey
Fun Fact: “I once got a hole-in-one on the final hole of a mini-golf course which won me a free round on my next visit. I went back a week later and the whole course was paved over and turned into a parking lot.”
Ed in His Own Words
I drive extensively for both work travel and personal travel. I've taken specialized driver training to work overseas, and have driven in many different countries. I‘ve road-tripped across the entire U.S., as well as driving in Alaska and Hawaii (hitting all 50 states). I also drove ambulances for about five years as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).
I’m very aware of how cell phone and technologies like GPS are increasing the number of traffic collisions due to distracted driving; I would see those too many times as an EMT. That makes me work to stay attentive and alert on the road – the situation can change at a moment’s notice. I’m also careful to take frequent breaks during long drives or when I’m tired, to make sure that I’m driving as safely as possible.
Working in global health brings home how much we can all contribute to society. We can have a positive impact for family, friends, acquaintances, and even total strangers. There’s always someone who can benefit from us being there – so it’s important to get home safely!