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Safety Awareness Milestones Graphics

The Our Roads, Our Safety campaign recognizes and participates in various milestones and events throughout the year. This page contains an up-to-date collection of social content, infographics and other shareable materials for specific milestones.

National Work Zone Awareness Week (April)

Slow down in work zones; graphic of road workers, one holding a slow sign, with pylons, a truck and a passenger vehicle in the back

NWZAW Graphic

National Bike Month (May)

Graphic depicting a bicyclist attempting to ride on the right side of a bus about to make a right-hand turn, showing the path of danger and potential collision point with a red x. Text reads: never bike past a turning bus. The driver may not see you.

Bike Month Graphic


National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month (May)

Graphic depicting motorcycle riding near a bus and truck with their blind spots and danger zones highlighted in yellow and with caution signs. Text reads: leave plenty of room between your motorcycle and large trucks and buses so you can be seen.

Motorcycle Safety Month Graphic

National Safety Month (June)

Graphic depicting the road from the point of view of a passenger vehicle driver. Text reads: share the road safely.

National Safety Month Graphic

Operation Safe Driver Week (July)

Graphic of a car and truck speeding down a highway. Text reads: always maintain safe speed on our roads.

Operation Safe Driver Week Graphic

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (September)

Graphic with pie chart with text overlaid over a truck that reads: 71% of US freight is moved by trucks. Text reads: Our nation's economy depends on truckers. Share the road safely with large trucks!

Truck Driver Appreciation Graphic

National Distracted Driver Awareness Month (October)

Graphic with thought bubble with phone, food and gps crossed out. Headline text reads: don't drive distracted.

Distracted Driving Awareness Month Graphic