Protect Yourself from Moving Fraud
More than 35 million Americans move each year for personal reasons and career opportunities. It's a significant event in anyone's life. Your money, your memories are at stake. It can also be stressful, even under the best of circumstances. Know how to avoid one of the most stressful situations that can arise; protect yourself from dishonest, "rogue" movers.
Most moving companies are legitimate businesses that do quality work. But in recent years, a growing number of complaints have been filed against interstate movers-and many of those complaints spring from the fraudulent practices of a small percentage of dishonest movers known as rogue movers.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), has initiated a partnership with other Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies, consumer groups, and the moving industry to make sure you have the information you need to "Protect Your Memories. Your Money. Your Move." from fraud.
Doing Your Part
The Federal government, State and local law enforcement agencies, and the legitimate moving industry have joined forces to combat moving fraud, but you have an important role to play as well. If you're planning to move, it's important to learn as much as you can about your rights and responsibilities.
You can also use this site to link to other government, law enforcement and moving industry information sources. This is very important if you're looking for more detailed State and local information, including how to file a complaint.