Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
FMCSA’s regulations protect consumers who are moving to a different state and provide information on the rights and responsibilities of consumers and the movers and brokers they hire.
Your primary responsibility is to select a reputable mover or broker, ensure that you understand the terms and conditions of the contract, and understand the options that are available to you if there is a problem. Before moving your household goods interstate, movers and brokers are required to give you the booklet entitled Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move.

Download the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
Download and print your handbook today to use as a reference throughout your move!
This booklet will help you understand the documents that a mover will ask you to sign as well as explaining your rights if your household goods are lost or damaged. Movers and brokers are also required to give you FMCSA’s Ready to Move brochure, which helps you prepare to move with confidence.

Download the Ready to Move Brochure
FMCSA’s Ready to Move brochure provides quick tips to help you prepare to move with confidence. Download this important resource to prepare for a smooth move.
The mover and broker will also provide you with additional written information describing its procedures for handling questions and complaints, and a telephone number you can call to obtain additional information about your move.