Notification of Changes to the Definition of a High Risk Motor Carrier and Associated Investigation Procedures, 81 FR 11875
Federal Register Title and Cite
Notification of Changes to the Definition of a High Risk Motor Carrier and Associated Investigation Procedures, 81 FR 11875 (March 7, 2016)
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Federal Register Description/Summary
This notice announces the Agency's efforts to improve the carrier prioritization process to enable safety investigators to take more immediate action against carriers with the highest crash risk. Specifically, FMCSA is announcing a new High Risk Motor Carrier definition and associated investigative procedural changes. These changes correspond with the “Blueprint for Safety Leadership: Aligning Enforcement and Risk” report issued by a Federal Aviation Administration Independent Review Team (IRT) in July 2014. The IRT recommended that FMCSA sharpen its priority-setting focus and improve the timeliness of investigator actions on those motor carriers representing the highest risk. This notice explains the Agency's new High Risk Motor Carrier definition and associated investigative procedural changes.