Registration Alerts
- FMCSA's Processing Time for Registration Forms
- New Version for MCS-150 Series
- SAFER - Company Snapshot Updates
- Supporting Evidence for Updating Registration Records
- UPDATE: FMCSA Publishes Broker/Freight Forwarder Financial Responsibility Final Rule
- HOW TO Define FMCSA Operating Authority Types for Freight Forwarders and Brokers
- Now Using
- FMCSA Daily Decisions on Operating Authority (CPLs, Reinstatements, Re-entitlements)
FMCSA's Processing Time for Registration Forms
We've received several inquiries on the delays in processing registration-related paper forms. The reason for the increased wait times is so that your company changes are verified for compliance and your information is protected from fraudulent activity. Therefore, we have changed our processing timeframe for forms submitted on paper, that can otherwise be submitted electronically online, to up to 30 days to allow time for the additional verification procedures and processing. We do expect complete, accurate and compliant requests to be processed in less time. Visit our online guide at: that lists the transactions you can complete online. Transactions completed online and transactions that are required to be submitted on paper will receive expedited processing. It is only transactions submitted on paper, that can otherwise be submitted online, that will experience lengthy delays. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we strengthen efforts to combat fraud and work to improve your customer experience.
New Version for MCS-150 Series
FMCSA has updated the MCS-150 Series forms. Changes include a New Reason for Filing and a new question to capture Non-Commercial Motor Vehicle information. As of 4/8/2024, FMCSA will no longer accept previous versions of these forms. To view and download the forms, go to our Registration Forms page.
Questions? Visit:
SAFER - Company Snapshot Updates
We have updated the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) System to clarify how information is displayed on the website. These updates include how the Company Snapshot displays the USDOT Number and Operating Authority (OA) statuses.
Prior to the update, the “NOT Authorized” message resulted in misunderstandings about the USDOT status. Company Snapshot now includes distinct fields to display the USDOT and OA status separately.
Also see: Related FAQ <Why is my operating authority status shown as “NOT AUTHORIZED” on Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER)? | FMCSA (>
Supporting Evidence for Updating Registration Records
Effective June 29, 2023: We implemented new requirements for updating a company’s registration record. Customers are required to submit supporting evidence along with their registration forms.
• MCS-150/150B/150C, MCSA-5889 and OP-1 Forms: A copy of the Company Officer’s driver's license is required.
• Updates to Company EIN: A copy of the company’s IRS EIN confirmation letter is required (Form SS-4).
• Updates to Company Legal Business Name: A copy of the company’s Articles of Incorporation or Amendments, as issued by the Secretary of State, is required.
Go to FMCSA Registration Forms page if you need to download a form.
Our support team is available to assist you with any other inquiries or concerns you may have. We are actively working on optimizing our procedures.
UPDATE: FMCSA Publishes Broker/Freight Forwarder Financial Responsibility Final Rule
On November 16, 2023, FMCSA published a Final Rule on broker and freight forwarder financial responsibility requirements. With this rule, the Agency has finalized regulations in five separate areas:
1) assets readily available;
2) immediate suspension of broker/freight forwarder operating authority registration;
3) surety or trust responsibilities in cases of broker/freight forwarder financial failure or insolvency;
4) enforcement authority; and
5) entities eligible to provide trust funds for form BMC-85 trust fund filings.
It is FMCSA’s intent that the provisions in this rule will alleviate the effects of broker or trustee non-payment of claims. The rule is effective on January 16, 2024. The notice is available on the Federal Register at
HOW TO Define FMCSA Operating Authority Types for Freight Forwarders and Brokers
Continuing with the FMCSA’s Office of Registration “HOW TO” Video Series, we would like to present “HOW TO Define FMCSA Operating Authority (OA) Types for Freight Forwarders and Brokers”. If you’re registering with FMCSA for the first time, or if you are expanding your operations to offer additional services, you need to understand the requirements for Operating Authority (OA). In this video, we cover the types of Operating Authority (OA) for Brokers and Freight Forwarders, as these are distinct and different from Motor Carrier of Property (except Household Goods), Motor Carrier of Household Goods, and Motor Carrier of Passengers. The video summarizes regulatory guidance FMCSA issued on June 16, 2023, clarifying the definitions of “broker” and “bona fide agents”. It also explains the minimum levels of financial responsibility in the form of either a surety bond or trust fund agreement for $75,000 that both brokers and freight forwarders must maintain, as well as the appropriate levels of bodily injury and property damage insurance freight forwarders must maintain if they operate commercial motor vehicles. In addition, brokers and freight forwarders must designate a Process Agent in each State that they operate.
In response to the presidential mandate for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), in 2024, the FMCSA began its transition to All users with credentials for any FMCSA system will be required to use a account to access FMCSA systems. Effective January 1st, will solely be used for accessing the FMCSA Portal and the Unified Registration System (URS). More information will be shared as we work on the transition.
If you have an existing FMCSA Portal account, verify your FMCSA Portal Profile, ensuring your portal account's email matches your account. If you haven't registered with yet, use your Portal account email for registration. For assistance or inquiries about your Portal email, contact us.
FMCSA Daily Decisions on Operating Authority (CPLs, Reinstatements, Re-entitlements)
The official record of an entity’s operating authority registration is found on the FMCSA’s Licensing & Insurance (L&I) system once the certificate, permit, or license is generated. Once the L&I System reflects that FMCSA has issued the certificate, permit, or license, the motor carrier, broker, or freight forwarder is authorized to commence operations. The information in the L&I system is the authoritative source for whether an entity is authorized to engaged in non-exempt, for-hire interstate operations.
Hard copies of certificates do not represent an active authority to engage in operations. For this reason, FMCSA does not require domestic motor carriers or freight forwarders to maintain a copy of their certificate, permit, or license in the commercial motor vehicle. Enforcement of operating authority registration violations must be based on information maintained in the L&I System, not on the information in a paper copy of the certificate, permit, or license, or (for U.S. domestic motor carriers) on the absence of a paper copy in the vehicle.
Before beginning non-exempt, for-hire motor carrier, broker, or freight forwarder operations in interstate commerce, entities are required under 49 U.S.C. 13901 to obtain operating authority registration. FMCSA regulations in 49 CFR part 365 were promulgated to implement the operating authority registration requirement. Under 49 CFR part 365, entities must submit an application for operating authority registration to FMCSA for review. Under 49 CFR 365.115(b), after FMCSA review and publication in the FMCSA Register, “[i]f no one opposes the application, the grant published in the FMCSA Register will become effective by issuance of a certificate, permit, or license.”
While the above message is still accurate, FMCSA is now making available the six daily decision letters to the public the day they are generated. This prevents customers from having to wait on the hard copy letter that comes in the mail. Anyone can access these daily decision letters on our FMCSA Registration Homepage at: located on the left and top menu of our page. You can also find it by clicking on the "Daily Decisions" blue button below.