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File Carrier Financial and Operating Statistics

Motor Carrier Financial and Operating Statistics (F&OS) Program

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Motor Carrier Financial and Operating Statistics (F&OS) Program collects annual data from motor carriers of property and passengers that meet the applicability requirements listed in the table below. The program collects balance sheet and income statement data along with information on tonnage, mileage, employees, transportation equipment and other related items, but there are no explicit safety data items. The F&OS data are used by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), other government agencies, trucking associations, insurance companies, consultants, law firms, academia, trade publications, and others. Under 49 CFR 369.10 unless otherwise provided by law, "the data contained in the report(s)...shall be made publicly available."

Below you will find important information about the FMCSA reporting regulations.

The first step is to determine your classification status. The next section contains the information you will need to determine your eligibility. Note that your classification may change as your revenues change.

Once a motor carrier determines that it must file, the carrier should then review and understand the applicable regulations. It is the motor carrier's responsibility to know and comply with applicable FMCSA regulations. FMCSA provides access to official Financial and Operating Statistics (F&OS) Forms.

If you have a problem printing or completing a form, please contact us for assistance at 800-832-5660.

Motor Carrier Classification

Motor carriers are classified on the basis of their annual gross operating revenues. Reports vary by carrier classification. Upward and downward classification will be effective as of January 1 of the year immediately following the third consecutive year of revenue qualification. To ensure that FMCSA is aware of your current classification, please notify FMCSA of any changes in classification. You may use the worksheet included in the appropriate form (below) to help determine your classification.

Motor Carrier Adjusted Annual Operating Revenue Report Due Date
Class I or II, Property $3 million or greater Form M, annual March 31st
Class I, Passenger $5 million or greater Form MP-1, annual March 31st

Financial and Operating Statistics Forms and Worksheets

If you are a motor carrier of property file...
Form and Worksheet
Due Date
File Format
Form M, Annual
March 31st
If you are a motor carrier of passengers file...
Form and Worksheet
Due Date
File Format
Form MP-1 Annual
March 31st

How to Request Confidentiality

Unless otherwise provided by law, the information reported to FMCSA under the Motor Carrier Information program is made generally available to the public. Under FMCSA regulations, motor carriers of property can request that their reports be withheld from public release. Here is some basic information about confidentiality requests:

  • The request must be made in writing and received by the report's due date.
  • The carrier must not be a publicly-held corporation or must not be subject to financial reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • The carrier must make a proper showing that confidentiality is necessary to avoid competitive harm and to avoid the disclosure of information that qualifies as trade secret or privileged or confidential information under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).
  • FMCSA places the requests in a public docket and requests comments on them before making decisions.

Under 49 CFR 369 (Reports of Motor Carriers), motor carriers can find the full details about how to request confidentiality. Please read them carefully before sending a request to FMCSA.

You can read the latest FMCSA decisions, as well as the carrier's requests and public comments on them, using the website and search for the docket number contained in the Federal Register Notice.

How to Request an Exemption

In general, all Class I and Class II motor carriers of property are subject to the Financial and Operating Statistics reporting requirements.  However, there are several exceptions. The major ones apply to carriers that:

  • are below the Class I or Class II revenue thresholds
  • are a motor private carrier
  • are outside DOT jurisdiction
  • do not hold DOT or ICC operating authority or have leased their operating authority to another carrier
  • are in bankruptcy
  • have received an exemption from filing based on competitive harm (49 CFR 369).

If you believe you may qualify, contact FMCSA with the exact reasons. For an exemption from filing based on competitive harm, you must follow the procedures listed in the reporting regulations (49 CFR 369).

FMCSA will extend a report deadline if a motor carrier shows good cause. You can make a request by phone, fax, or letter to FMCSA. The request should include your motor carrier number, the Federal form for which you seek an extension, specify the reason for your request, and the requested filing date.


Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Office of Registration and Safety Information (MC-RS)
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Room W65-206 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 800-832-5660
Fax: 202-366-3477