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Regulatory Guidance Concerning the Issuance of Commercial Learner’s Permits

Federal Register Title and Cite

Commercial Driver’s License Standards; Regulatory Guidance Concerning the Issuance of Commercial Learner’s Permits, 82 FR 36101 (Aug. 3, 2017)

The Federal Register text can be found on the Federal Register website. To view the Federal Register text, use the link below.

Federal Register Description/Summary

FMCSA announces regulatory guidance clarifying that State Driver Licensing Agencies (SDLAs) may agree to facilitate the commercial learner’s permit (CLP) application process and to administer the commercial driver’s license (CDL) general knowledge test to individuals who are not domiciled in the State. The guidance makes clear that SDLAs may accept applications for CLPs and administer the general knowledge test to individuals taking commercial motor vehicle driver training in that State, but who are not domiciled there, provided that: the SDLA administering the general knowledge test transmits the test results directly, securely, and electronically to the applicant’s State of domicile; and the State of domicile agrees to accept the test results and issue the CLP. While the guidance is in answer to general knowledge testing as addressed in FMCSA regulations, the Agency notes that this regulatory guidance is consistent with the Agency’s October 13, 2016 final rule that amended the CDL regulations to ease the transition of military personnel into civilian careers driving commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).

Regulatory Topic: Issuance of Commercial Learner’s Permits
Effective Date: Thursday, August 3, 2017
Issued Date: Friday, August 3, 2012