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Will a Canada/Mexico domiciled motor carrier’s driver be required to use ELDs if they conduct drive-away/tow-away operations in the U.S. and the vehicle being driven is the commodity being delivered?

NOTE: This guidance was rescinded as unnecessary on March 10, 2022, because the information contained therein was readily available in existing guidance. See FMCSA-HOS-ELD-395-FAQ23.




Cross Border Transportation ELDs

FAQ008:  Will a Canada/Mexico domiciled motor carrier’s driver be required to use ELDs if they conduct drive-away/tow-away operations in the U.S. and the vehicle being driven is the commodity being delivered?

Answer:  No. Drivers are exempt if they are performing a driveaway-towaway operation. In a driveaway-towaway operation, the vehicle driven is the commodity being delivered or a motor home or recreation vehicle trailer with at least one set of wheels on the road surface during transport.

Regulatory Topic: Cross Border Transportation ELDs
Effective Date: Monday, March 5, 2018
Issued Date: Monday, March 5, 2018