Cross Border Transportation FAQs
NOTE: This guidance revises FMCSA-ELD-Cross-Border-Transportation-FAQs(2018-04-09)-CORR1, rescinded on March 8, 2024.FMCSA-ELD-Cross-Border-Transportation-FAQs(2024-03-08)
Cross Border Transportation FAQs
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Cross Border Transportation FAQs
Question: May a State Driver’s Licensing Agency (SDLA) issue a non-domiciled CLP or CDL to an individual who is present in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy as a...
Cross Border Transportation ELDs
FAQ006: How does the “8 days within a 30-day period” ELD Exemption apply to Canada/Mexico domiciled motor carrier’s drivers when they are operating in the United States?
Answer: If a driver operates in...
Cross Border Transportation ELDs
FAQ005: How will the U.S. ELD rule apply to a Canada/Mexico domiciled company operating a commercial rental truck in the United States?
Answer :
A motor carrier driver operating a rental truck with a...Cross Border Transportation ELDs
FAQ004: What must a Canada/Mexico domiciled motor carrier’s driver do if an ELD malfunction prevents presenting HOS to a safety official at roadside by electronic data transfer, display screen or printout?
Answer: If an...
NOTE: This guidance was rescinded as unnecessary on March 10, 2022, because the information contained therein was readily available in existing guidance. See FMCSA-HOS-ELD-395-FAQ23.
Cross Border Transportation ELDs
FAQ002: Must a Canada/Mexico domiciled motor carrier’s driver using an ELD in the United States have a printer in the CMV?
Answer: No. The ELD rule requires that the ability to transfer data...
Cross Border Transportation ELDs
FAQ001: What happens if cellular network limitations prevent an ELD from transferring data during a U.S. roadside inspection for a Canada/Mexico domiciled motor carrier’s driver?
Answer: If there are...
Cross Border Hours of Service requirements
FAQ017: Are Canada/Mexico domiciled CMV drivers required to have record of duty status (RODS) for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days when crossing into the United States?
Answer: Yes, if...
Cross-border hours of service requirements
FAQ016: Are there HOS regulations in the United States or Canada that allow a driver to reset a maximum duty time-period?
Answer: In the United States, drivers transporting property may restart their 7 or 8-day duty period...