May a motor carrier propose edits to a driver’s uncertified record of duty status (RODS)?
Question: May a motor carrier propose edits to a driver’s uncertified record of duty status (RODS)?
Guidance: No. Per 49 CFR 395.30(d), a motor carrier may not request edits to a driver’s RODS before they have been certified and submitted by the driver. A motor carrier may request edits to a driver’s RODS upon review of the driver’s submitted records. A driver must confirm or reject any proposed change, implement the appropriate edits on the driver's record of duty status, and recertify and resubmit the records in order for any motor carrier-proposed changes to take effect.
Contact Info: FMCSA ELD Information, 1-800-832-5660 or
Note: This guidance document does not have the force and effect of law and is not meant to bind the public in any way. It is intended only to provide information and clarity regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.