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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

OP-1 (FF) Application for Freight Forwarder Authority

OP-1(FF) Form.pdf (388.16 KB)

About this Form

This application is for businesses requesting Operating Authority as a freight forwarder in interstate or foreign commerce. Freight forwarders arrange transportation of goods by FMCSA-licensed carriers. Freight forwarders issue bills of lading to shippers and are responsible for the loss of or damage to the goods.

Please note: After December 12, 2015, OP-series forms can ONLY be used to apply for additional authorities, not for initial registration with FMCSA. First-time applicants must use the Unified Registration System (URS). For more information about URS, or to apply for the first time, click here.

Last updated: Saturday, July 20, 2024