Form OCE-46 - Request for Revocation of Operating Authority
About this Form
Entities that have suspended operations may use this form to voluntarily revoke operating authority registration.
The form must be completed in its entirety [docket number (MC/FF/MX), complete business name and address, and authorized signature].
The form must be notarized or signed in the presence of an FMCSA staff member.
To Submit Your Form:
You can submit the form using one of the following options:
- Submit a ticket. This is the quickest option, and you will receive a confirmation number via email.
- Fax the completed forms to 202-366-3477.
- Mail to:
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Office of Registration and Safety Information (MC-RS)
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Room W65-206
Washington, D.C. 20590
Note: Ensure your USDOT number is also Inactive by completing Form MCS-150 and selecting the box labeled "Out of Business Notification”.
You have the option to reactivate or reinstate your USDOT and Operating Authority at any time in the future by submitting an updated MCS-150 form and requesting the reinstatement of authority.