May motor carriers use third parties to ask driver’s licensing authorities for copies of driving records to be examined during the carrier’s annual review of each driver’s record?
NOTE: This guidance revises FMCSA-DQ-391.25-Q003, issued on March 12, 2015, and rescinded on May 9, 2022. See FMCSA-FR-87FR13192(2022-03-09).
§ 391.25 Annual inquiry and review of driving record.
Guidance Q&A
Question 3: May motor carriers use third parties to ask driver’s licensing authorities for copies of driving records to be examined during the carrier’s annual review of each driver’s record?
Guidance: Yes. Motor carriers may use third-party agents, such as driver information services or companies, to contact driver’s licensing authorities and obtain copies of driving records. However, the motor carrier is responsible for ensuring the information is accurate.
Contact Info: FMCSA Information Line, 1-800-832-5660
Note: This guidance document does not have the force and effect of law and is not meant to bind the public in any way. It is intended only to provide information and clarity regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.