After FMCSA completes a PASA and the applicant has passed the PASA, what will happen next?
Mexico-domiciled motor carrier long haul operations
FAQ006: After FMCSA completes a PASA and the applicant has passed the PASA, what will happen next?
Answer: Mexico-domiciled motor carriers who successfully pass a PASA must file required proof of financial responsibility (i.e. insurance) with FMCSA, (see 49 CFR Part 387.301) and may also be required to file an updated form BOC-3 – Designation of Agents-Motor Carriers, Brokers and Freight Forwarders designating a person to accept service of process in each of the 48 contiguous States (if they were not already designated on the BOC-3 submitted with the OP-1(MX) application). This requirement is outlined in 49 CFR Part 366 – Designation of Process Agent.
After FMCSA approves the carrier’s application, FMCSA will publish a summary of the application in the FMCSA Register to allow for a 10-day protest period. At the end of that protest period and upon receipt of evidence of insurance and the BOC-3, Designation of Process Agent form, the provisional authority will be issued. At this time, it is unclear how much additional time this will take, but the process from application to issuance of authority can take many months.