Final rule.
The FMCSA revises its regulations and form that relate to the issuance of Certificates of Registration to those Mexico-domiciled motor carriers (of property) that want to operate in the United States only within the municipalities adjacent to Mexico in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California and within the commercial zones of such municipalities ("border zones"). This rule also revises FMCSA's regulations governing financial responsibility of motor carriers to accurately reflect the requirements placed on these Mexico-domiciled motor carriers. Other types of carriers that currently hold a Certificate of Registration (such as exempt carriers that operate beyond the border zones) must now apply under separate FMCSA regulations that we are issuing in an interim final rule published elsewhere in today's Federal Register. The revisions in this action are part of FMCSA's efforts to ensure the safe operation of Mexico- domiciled motor carriers in the United States. They will ensure that the FMCSA receives adequate information to assess a new applicant's safety program and its ability to comply with U.S. safety standards before it is registered to operate in the United States. The FMCSA will evaluate current certificate holders who re-file under these regulations to determine if they meet U.S. safety standards and should be permitted to continue operations within the border zones. As a result of these changes, the agency also will be better able to maintain an accurate census of registered carriers. Additionally, the regulations have been updated to reflect the transfer of motor carrier regulatory functions from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to FMCSA.