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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

49 CFR 390.3T General applicability Question 19 --Government Entities


Question 19: ‘‘Unless otherwise specifically provided,’’ § 390.3T(f)(2) exempts certain government entities and their drivers from compliance with 49 CFR Chapter III, Subchapter B, i.e., parts 350-399. Which parts are covered by this exemption and which are ‘‘otherwise specifically’’ excluded?

Guidance: Government employers and drivers are exempt from compliance with parts 325, 385, and 390–399. However, they must comply with the drug and alcohol testing requirements in part 382 and the CDL requirements in part 383. Parts 350, 355, 384, 386, 388, and 389 do not directly regulate CMV operators, public or private, and the question of an exemption therefore does not arise.

Regulatory Topic: Parties not included in the governmental exemption
Effective Date: Friday, April 4, 1997
Issued Date: Friday, April 4, 1997