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What are the differences in the technical specifications in the 1988 automatic onboard recording device (AOBRD) Rule (49 CFR 395.15) and the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) rule?

NOTE: This guidance was rescinded on March 10, 2022, and is no longer in effect.




Differences between AOBRDs and Logging Software Programs

Q1. What are the differences in the technical specifications in the 1988 automatic onboard recording device (AOBRD) Rule (49 CFR 395.15) and the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) rule?

A1. A key difference between devices with logging software programs and AOBRDs relates to connectivity with the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operations. An AOBRD must be integrally synchronized with the specific operations of the CMV on which it is installed. AOBRDs must also record engine use, speed, miles driven, and date and time of day, as specified in 49 CFR 395.2. AOBRDs automatically record engine data for driving time versus the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) data or a driver inputting his or her driving status hours.

The display and output from devices using logging software must meet the requirements in 49 CFR 395.8. Drivers can manually enter their hours of service (HOS) information using the application or software program on the device, and then manually or electronically sign the RODS at the end of each 24-hour period to certify that all required entries are true and correct. During a roadside inspection, drivers using logging software programs can hand their device to the safety official to review their RODS. Additionally, officers conducting inspections can request a printed copy of the driver’s log with the current and prior seven days HOS information.

Regulatory Topic: ELD Guidance
Effective Date: Monday, April 9, 2018
Issued Date: Monday, April 9, 2018