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FMCSA Policy on Considering the Preventability of Crashes in Administrative Review Requests of Hazardous Materials Safety Permit Denials Based Upon Crash Rates in the Top 30 Percent of the National Average Under 49 CFR 385.407; Notice of Enforcement Polic

Federal Register Title and Cite

FMCSA Policy on Considering the Preventability of Crashes in Administrative Review Requests of Hazardous Materials Safety Permit Denials Based Upon Crash Rates in the Top 30 Percent of the National Average Under 49 CFR 385.407; Notice of...

How will future changes to the CSA Program impact the HMSP Program?

FAQ 29: How will future changes to the CSA Program impact the HMSP Program?

Answer: On June 29th, 2015, FMCSA published a Federal Register notice (Vol. 80 FR 37037), Proposal for Future Enhancements to the Safety Measurement System (SMS)” for public

comment. Any finalized...

May HMSP carriers request a review of their crash data?

FAQ 26: May HMSP carriers request a review of their crash data?

Answer: Yes.  FMCSA will continue the policy allowing carriers to request a determination of crash non-preventability and the removal of such crash or crashes from consideration of the carrier’s crash rate calculation...