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Requirement that commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers operating in the United States in interstate commerce, except drivers of passenger-carrying CMVs, submit, and motor carriers retain
Driver vehicle inspection reports
FAQ001 Requirement that commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers operating in the United States in interstate commerce, except drivers of passenger-carrying CMVs, submit, and motor carriers retain, the...
What proof must a Canadian commercial driver possess to reflect a driver is qualified to transport hazardous materials (HM) in the United States?
Commercial and non-Commercial Driver License Requirements.
FAQ007: What proof must a Canadian commercial driver possess to reflect a driver is qualified to transport hazardous materials (HM) in the United States?
Answer: A Canadian...
Are Canadian commercial drivers who transport any liquid or gaseous material in a tank having a rated capacity of 1,000 gallons or more or multiple tanks having an individual rated capacity of more than 119 gallons and an aggregate capacity of 1,000
Cross-border commercial and non-Commercial Driver License Requirements.
FAQ006: Are Canadian commercial drivers who transport any liquid or gaseous material in a tank having a rated capacity of 1,000 gallons or more or multiple tanks having an individual...
Are U.S. commercial drivers required to possess a Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) training certificate when transporting hazardous materials (HM) in Canada?
Cross-border commercial and non-Commercial Driver License Requirements
FAQ005: Are U.S. commercial drivers required to possess a Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) training certificate when transporting hazardous materials (HM) in Canada?
What is the restriction identified on a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) for a U.S. driver when they are not permitted to operate in the Canada for medical reasons?
Cross-border CDL requirements.
FAQ004: What is the restriction identified on a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) for a U.S. driver when they are not permitted to operate in the Canada for medical reasons?
A4: The restriction is a code V...
What is the restriction identified on a Canadian Commercial License for a Canadian driver when they are not permitted to operate in the United States for medical reasons?
Cross-border commercial and non-Commercial Driver License Requirements
FAQ003: What is the restriction identified on a Canadian Commercial License for a Canadian driver when they are not permitted to operate in the United States for medical reasons?
Are there prohibitions, special terms and restrictions to “long haul” operating authority?
Mexico-domiciled motor carrier long haul operations
FAQ003: Are there prohibitions, special terms and restrictions to “long haul” operating authority?
Answer: Yes, the terms and conditions for a Mexico-domiciled motor carrier granted operating authority DO NOT...
My certificate of registration says I can carry exempt commodities. What are exempt commodities?
Registration requirement for Mexico-domiciled motor carriers
FAQ002: My certificate of registration says I can carry exempt commodities. What are exempt commodities?
Answer: In general, exempt commodities are things that have not been processed in any way such as...
My trucks have both Mexico and U.S. license plates. Can I put my MX Number and my MC Number on the same truck?
Vehicle marking requirement for Mexico-domiciled motor carriers
FAQ005: My trucks have both Mexico and U.S. license plates. Can I put my MX Number and my MC Number on the same truck?
Answer: No marking requirement exists for display of either the MX number of the...