Entry Level Driver Training
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§380 Appendix – Entry Level Driver Training Guidance Q&A Question 21: Is there a mandatory sequence that the specific theory and behind-the-wheel (BTW) training must be taken in?
Question 21: Is there a mandatory sequence that the specific theory and behind-the-wheel (BTW) training must be taken in?
Guidance: No. There is no mandatory order in which the theory, BTW-range, and BTW-public road training must be administered, nor do the regulations...
Part 380 Appendix – Entry level Driver Training (ELDT) Guidance Q&A Question 20: Are there specific hours of training mandated for the theory curricula?
Question 20: Are there specific hours of training mandated for the theory curricula?
Guidance: No. There is no minimum number of hours that driver-trainees must spend on the theory (i.e., knowledge) portions of any of the individual curricula. The regulations prescribe...
Part 380 Appendix – Entry level Driver Training (ELDT) Guidance Q&A Question 3: What training must an entry-level driver complete in order to take a commercial driver’s license (CDL) skills test?
Question 3: What training must an entry-level driver complete in order to take a commercial driver’s license (CDL) skills test?
Guidance: The driver has successfully completed a mandatory theory (knowledge) and behind-the-wheel (BTW) training program. In the case of a...
§380.721 – Removal from training provider registry: factors considered Guidance Q&A Question 16: What steps will the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) take if a training provider fails to meet or falsely certifies that they meet State-b
Question 16: What steps will the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) take if a training provider fails to meet or falsely certifies that they meet State-based requirements?
Guidance: FMCSA may remove a provider from the TPR when a provider fails to meet...
§380.721 – Removal from training provider registry: factors considered Guidance Q&A Question 14: Can training providers be removed from the listing on the Training Provider Registry?
Question 14: Can training providers be removed from the listing on the Training Provider Registry?
Guidance: Yes. FMCSA may remove a provider from the TPR when a provider fails to meet or maintain any of the qualifications established by this subpart or the...
§380.707 – Entry-level training provider Guidance Q&A Question 22: Can theory and behind-the-wheel (BTW) training be provided by separate training providers?
Question 22: Can theory and behind-the-wheel (BTW) training be provided by separate training providers?
Guidance: Yes. Theory (knowledge) and BTW training may be delivered by separate training providers. Both types of training providers must be listed on the Training...
§380.707 – Entry-level training provider Guidance Q&A Question 8: Who can provide entry-level driver training (ELDT)?
Question 8: Who can provide entry-level driver training (ELDT)?
Guidance: Training providers listed on the Training Provider Registry are the only entities that can provide training required by the ELDT regulations. To comply with the ELDT regulations, drivers must...
§380.703 – Requirements for listing on the training provider registry (TPR) Guidance Q&A Question 9: How can an entity become eligible to be listed on the Training Provider Registry?
Question 9: How can an entity become eligible to be listed on the Training Provider Registry?
Guidance: To be eligible for listing on the Training Provider Registry, an entity must meet the following requirements:
Follow a curriculum that meets the applicable...§380.605 – Definitions Guidance Q&A Question 18: Must training providers be accredited in order to get listed on the Training Provider Registry?
Question 18: Must training providers be accredited in order to get listed on the Training Provider Registry?
Guidance: No. The entry-level driver training (ELDT) regulations do not require that training providers be accredited by a third-party organization as a...