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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks Safety (TACT) Partners

 States are encouraged to work with representatives of other key stakeholder groups who have also participated in program design, implementation, and oversight for high-visibility traffic enforcement programs. States can serve as members of a steering committee or other working group when planning for and conducting a Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) program.

For additional information, visit the links below. 

American Trucking Associations
American Trucking Associations

Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)

Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)

Departments of Transportation by State

Departments of Transportation by State

Federal Highway Administration
Directory of State Patrol and State Police

Directory of State Patrol and State Police
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

FMCSA Service Centers and Field Offices
Governor's Highway Safety Representatives
Governor's Highway Safety Representatives
International Association of Chiefs of Police

International Association of Chiefs of Police
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

National Safety Council

National Safety Council

National Sheriff's Association

National Sheriff's Association