Crash Preventability Demonstration Program - Not Preventable Determinations
During the Demonstration Program, if a crash review resulted in a preliminary determination that the crash was not preventable, the Agency published the crash report number, U.S. DOT number, motor carrier name, crash event date, crash event State and crash type on its DataQs website. Any member of the public with documentation or data to refute the proposed determination had 30 days to submit the documentation through the DataQs system. During the Demonstration Program, public input was not received for any specific crash.
Final determinations were published on the Safety Measurement System (SMS) within 60 days of the final decision. The Agency also maintained a list of final not preventable determinations on this website and accepted any information and documentation to refute the not preventable determinations at During the Demonstration Program, no information to refute a not preventable determination was received. The list of Final Not Preventable Demonstration Program Determinations is available at the link below.