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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Implementation of Household Goods Working Group Recommendations

Final rule.

FMCSA amends the Transportation of Household Goods regulations to incorporate recommendations from the Household Goods Consumer Protection Working Group (Working Group) contained in the Recommendations to the U.S. Department of Transportation to Improve Household Goods Consumer Education, Simplify and Reduce Paperwork, and Condense FMCSA Publication ESA 03005 (Recommendations Report). The Agency amends the regulations to reflect those aspects of the Recommendations Report which require a rulemaking to implement and are within the Agency's authority. The Agency is also making additional minor changes to the Transportation of Household Goods regulations and the Brokers of Property regulations which are intended to increase clarity and consistency. The updates will result in an aggregate reduction in costs for household goods motor carriers and provide clarity for individual shippers.

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