Driver Qualifications; Regulatory Guidance Concerning the Use of Computerized Employer Notification Systems for the Annual Inquiry and Review of Driving Records, 80 Fed. Reg. 13069
Federal Register Title and Cite
Driver Qualifications; Regulatory Guidance Concerning the Use of Computerized Employer Notification Systems for the Annual Inquiry and Review of Driving Records, 80 Fed. Reg. 13069 (Mar. 12, 2015)
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Federal Register Description/Summary
FMCSA provides regulatory guidance concerning the use of State-operated employer notification systems (ENS) for the annual inquiry and review of driving records required by 49 CFR 391.25. The guidance explains the use of State-operated ENS that provide motor carriers with a department of motor vehicle report for every State in which the driver held either an operator’s license, a commercial driver’s license (CDL), or permit when a driver is enrolled in the system. Many State driver licensing agencies (SDLAs) provide ENS that either automatically update requestors (push-system) on license status, crashes and convictions of laws or regulations governing the operation of motor vehicles or allow the requestor to regularly query the record (pull-system) for this information. The use of these systems to check the driving record, at least annually, satisfies the requirement for an annual review of each driver’s record. This includes when a third-party is used accumulate the records for a motor carrier. This revises the Agency guidance issued in 2003 that referenced to a specific third-party vendor.