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Do I need a new USDOT number if I am changing my company’s Legal Name or Form of Business?

Do I need a new USDOT number if I am changing my company’s Legal Name or Form of Business?

The FMCSA's policy is to assign a unique USDOT identification number to each person required to identify themself with FMCSA under 49 U.S.C. 13902, 31134 and 49 C.F.R. 390.19T or 390.200T.  USDOT numbers are not transferable and are assigned to only one person and remain assigned to that person forever.  A person includes an individual, corporation, partnership, or other business organization as authorized by state law.  Each separate and distinct person must have separate registration.

For corporations, partnerships and other business organizations, the USDOT number will remain the same when there is a change in company officials, address or other demographic information, and the corporation, partnership, or other business organization will continue operations as the same legal person/entity. In case of a change in demographic information, the motor carrier is required to file an updated Form MCS-150, Motor Carrier Identification Report, within 30 days of the change. 

We will allow a sole proprietor to maintain its USDOT number when it changes its current form of business, and the new entity will continue to operate virtually the same (absent the form of business change) as before the change.  There would be no change in company officials, address, or other demographic information and the new entity will maintain identical operations, employees and assets.  We will permit a change in the Tax ID number based on the new articles of incorporation.

It is important to note that the regulation has not changed.  The Office of Registration and Safety Information is often asked whether a new USDOT number is or is not required following motor carrier ownership, form of business, or operational changes.  The office recently provided clarification and direction for what must be done when these situations arise.

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