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Can an employer overrule an SAP treatment recommendation?

Section § 382.605: Referral, evaluation, and treatment.

Guidance Q&A

Question 8: Can an employer overrule an SAP treatment recommendation?

Guidance: No. If found to need assistance, the employee cannot return to safety-sensitive functions until an SAP's follow-up...

Are employers required to refer a discharged employee to an SAP?

Section § 382.605: Referral, evaluation, and treatment.

Guidance Q&A

Question 4: Are employers required to refer a discharged employee to an SAP?

Guidance: The rules require an employer to advise the employee, who engages in conduct prohibited under the DOT rules, of...

Section § 382.605: Referral, evaluation, and treatment.

Section § 382.605: Referral, evaluation, and treatment.

Guidance Q&A

Question 7: Can an employee who has violated the rules return to safety-sensitive functions prior to receiving an SAP evaluation?

Guidance: The employee is prohibited from performing any DOT regulated...

Section § 382.605: Referral, evaluation, and treatment.

Section § 382.605: Referral, evaluation, and treatment.

Guidance Q&A

Question 6: Do community lectures and self-help groups qualify as education and/or treatment?

Guidance: Self-help groups and community lectures qualify as education but do not qualify as treatment....