Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2011
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, October 2013
Note: Data Revisions
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) implemented an enhanced methodology for estimating registered vehicles and vehicle miles traveled by vehicle type beginning with data from 2007. As a result, involvement rates may differ, and in some cases significantly, from earlier years.
Detailed List of Tables and Figures by Chapter
Note: This Web edition of Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2011 provides Excel files containing data for each of the report's data tables and graphs.
Trends Table 1. Large Truck and Bus Fatal Crash Statistics, 1975-2011
Trends Table 2. Large Truck and Bus Injury Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 3. Large Truck and Bus Property Damage Only (PDO) Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 4. Large Truck Fatal Crash Statistics, 1975-2011
Trends Table 5. Passenger Vehicle Fatal Crash Statistics, 1975-2011
Trends Table 6. All Motor Vehicle Fatal Crash Statistics, 1975-2011
Trends Table 7. Large Truck Injury Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 8. Passenger Vehicle Injury Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 9. All Motor Vehicle Injury Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 10. Large Truck Property Damage Only (PDO) Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 11. Passenger Vehicle Property Damage Only (PDO) Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 12. All Motor Vehicle Property Damage Only (PDO) Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 13. Vehicle Occupants Killed in Large Truck Crashes by Vehicle Type, 1975-2011
Trends Table 14. Nonmotorists and Vehicle Occupants Killed in Large Truck Crashes, 1975-2011
Trends Table 15. Drivers in Fatal Crashes by Vehicle Type and Blood Alcohol Concentration, 1991-2011
Trends Table 16. Combination Truck Fatal Crash Statistics, 1975-2011
Trends Table 17. Single-Unit Truck Fatal Crash Statistics, 1975-2011
Trends Table 18. Combination Truck Injury Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 19. Single-Unit Truck Injury Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 20. Combination Truck Property Damage Only (PDO) Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 21. Single-Unit Truck Property Damage Only (PDO) Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 24. Bus Property Damage Only (PDO) Crash Statistics, 1991-2011
Trends Table 25. Fatal Crashes Involving Buses by Type of Bus, 1975-2011
Trends Table 26. Buses in Fatal Crashes by Type of Bus, 1975-2011
Trends Table 27. Fatalities in Crashes Involving Buses by Type of Bus, 1975-2011
Trends Table 28. Bus Occupant Fatalities in Crashes Involving Buses by Type of Bus, 1975-2011
Trends Table 29. Fatalities in Crashes Involving Large Trucks by State, 2001-2011
Trends Table 30. Fatal Crashes Involving Large Trucks by State, 2001-2011
Trends Table 31. Large Trucks Involved in Fatal Crashes by State, 2001-2011
Trends Table 32. Single-Vehicle Fatal Crashes Involving Large Trucks by State, 2001-2011
Trends Table 33. Multiple-Vehicle Fatal Crashes Involving Large Trucks by State, 2001-2011
Crashes Table 1. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by First Harmful Event and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 2. Fatal Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Speed Limit, 2011
Crashes Table 3. Fatal Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Roadway Function Class, 2011
Crashes Table 4. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Time of Day and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 5. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Day of Week and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 6. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Trafficway Flow and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 7. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Relation to Junction and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 8. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Relation to Roadway and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 9. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Weather Conditions and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 10. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Road Surface Conditions and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 11. Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Light Conditions and Crash Severity, 2011
Crashes Table 12. Crashes by Work Zone and Crash Severity, 2011
Vehicles Table 1. Large Trucks in Crashes by Vehicle Configuration and Crash Severity, 2011
Vehicles Table 2. Large Trucks in Crashes by Cargo Body Type and Crash Severity, 2011
Vehicles Table 3. Large Trucks in Crashes by Gross Vehicle Weight Rating and Crash Severity, 2011
Vehicles Table 4. Large Trucks in Crashes by Hazardous Materials (HM) Cargo and Crash Severity, 2011
Vehicles Table 6. Large Trucks in Crashes by Initial Point of Impact and Crash Severity, 2011
Vehicles Table 8. Large Trucks in Crashes by Jackknife Occurrence and Crash Severity, 2011
Vehicles Table 9. Large Trucks in Crashes with Passenger Vehicles by Crash Type and Severity, 2011
People Table 1. Persons Killed and Injured in Crashes Involving Large Trucks, 2011
People Table 2. Persons Killed in Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Age and Sex, 2011
People Table 3. Persons Killed in Crashes Involving Passenger Vehicles by Age and Sex, 2011
People Table 4. Persons Injured in Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Age and Sex, 2011
People Table 5. Persons Injured in Crashes Involving Passenger Vehicles by Age and Sex, 2011
People Table 6. Persons Killed and Injured in Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Time of Day, 2011
People Table 7. Drivers of Large Trucks in Fatal Crashes by Age and Sex, 2011
People Table 8. Drivers of Buses in Fatal Crashes by Age and Sex, 2011
People Table 11. Large Truck Injury Crash Data by Injury Severity, 2011
People Table 12. Drivers of Large Trucks in Fatal Crashes by Driver-Related Factors Recorded, 2011