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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Is transportation within the boundaries of a State between a place in an Indian Reservation and a place outside such reservation interstate commerce?


Question 23: Is transportation within the boundaries of a State between a place in an Indian Reservation and a place outside such reservation interstate commerce?

Guidance: No, such transportation is considered to be intrastate commerce. An Indian reservation is geographically located within the area of a State. Enforcement on Indian reservations is inherently Federal, unless such authority has been granted to the States by Congressional enactment, accepted by the States where appropriate, and consented to by the Indian tribes.

Regulatory Topic: Whether boundary of an Indian reservation is equivalent to a State boundary
Effective Date: Friday, April 4, 1997
Issued Date: Friday, April 4, 1997