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Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Estimates

Agency's Overview

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) proposes a fiscal year (FY) 2010 budget request of $550 million. This request is consistent with the authorization for the last year of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The FMCSA programs funded under SAFETEA-LU have contributed significantly to improved truck and bus safety.

In CY 2007 (the most recent crash data available), the fatality rate from crashes involving large trucks and buses decreased to 0.168 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT). This represents a decrease for the third consecutive year and suggests that FMCSA is on target to meet its ambitious safety goal of reducing fatalities involving large trucks and buses to a rate of no more than 0.160 fatalities per 100 million VMT by the end of 2011. Additionally, the injury rate for CY 2007 from crashes involving large trucks and buses decreased to 2.72 per 100 million VMT. This rate has improved each year since CY 2000, which represents a 30 percent improvement overall.

The Administration is developing a comprehensive approach for a surface transportation reauthorization. Consequently, the FY 2010 Budget Request contains no policy recommendations for programs subject to reauthorization. Instead, the budget request conservatively displays baseline funding levels for all SAFETEA-LU programs. FY 2010 is a critical year because the Agency will continue implementing significant initiatives such as the Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010) and COMPASS (the Agency’s information technology reform). CSA 2010 activities are expected to be largely operational by the end of the calendar year. These initiatives will increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and reach of the Agency’s core operations by strengthening many aspects of FMCSA’s enforcement operations, Information Technology (IT) systems, and business processes.

FY 2010 Priorities: Agency-Wide, Secretarial, and Presidential

A key FMCSA priority for FY 2010 will be to work closely with the Department to develop a comprehensive approach for a surface transportation reauthorization. The increased authorities granted in SAFETEA-LU have allowed FMCSA to positively impact large truck and bus safety. The Agency will seek to build on this foundation in the next authorization legislation. The FMCSA will develop innovative and comprehensive proposals for improving safety in cooperation with Federal and State partners, as well as other important stakeholders.

A vital and far-reaching Agency priority in FY 2010 FY 2010 Agency Priorities:will be to assimilate the CSA 2010 operational concepts as the Agency’s new enforcement business model and to introduce new COMPASS functions to replace legacy software applications and systems. Through CSA 2010, the Agency is redesigning its core enforcement and compliance activities; though COMPASS, the Agency is reengineering the information technology systems supporting these • Execute new Administration’s activities. Together, these projects represent a priorities comprehensive modernization of the Agency’s key enforcement and business processes. Funding for these projects represents an important commitment to the future effectiveness and efficiency of the Agency.

Last updated: Thursday, January 2, 2014