May I use group surety bonds or trust funds to satisfy FMCSA’s financial responsibility requirement?
No. Although FMCSA is authorized, pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 13906(b) and (c), to accept group financial security products to meet property broker and freight forwarder financial responsibility requirements on the condition that those products otherwise meet the requirements set forth in 49 U.S.C. 13906 and 49 CFR part 387, the Agency is not required to accept these group financial security products. At this time, FMCSA is considering the enforcement implications of group sureties as well as the effect on small entities and new entrants. FMCSA is committed to reexamining this issue as part of its enforcement phase-in plan described under section C, FMCSA Implementation and Enforcement Timelines of 78 FR 54720, Sept. 5, 2013.
Last Updated : May 9, 2014