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How to Prevent My MCS-150 Form from Being Returned as Incomplete?

How to Prevent My MCS-150 Form from Being Returned as Incomplete?

When submitting FMCSA Registration forms, all required fields must be complete and required supporting documentation must be attached.  Incomplete applications are returned to the applicant and must be resubmitted, which delays the process. 

Note: Each form is prefaced with detailed instructions to assist filling out the form.  

7 reasons your MCS-150 may be incomplete and not processed: 

  • Sending expired forms 
    Ensure you have the latest version. The expiration date is located at the top right of each page of the form.  The current FMCSA Registration forms are here

  • Acceptable form of ID not submitted  
    With exception of New Applications, a Driver’s License of the individual signing the form must be submitted (and must match a company officer listed on Line 30). An MCS-150 form to request updates cannot be processed until the proper Driver’s License is submitted and verified. 

  • Section 1 – Legal Business Name  
    The name must match the company name on record unless you are requesting a Name Change.  In that case, Articles of Incorporation or Amendment are required. If your company has Operating Authority, an Operating Authority Name Change request is required. 

  • Section 22 and 23 must correspond (Interstate + Authorized For-Hire) 
    If Interstate and Authorized For-Hire are selected but the company does not currently have an Operating Authority, the form cannot be accepted. You must either apply for Operating Authority or make the appropriate selection on the MCS-150 and resubmit the form. 

  • Section 24 and 25 must correspond (Motor Vehicles, Driveaway/Towaway and Class 9/Carried/Non-Bulk)  

If Motor Vehicles or Driveaway/Towaway is selected on line 24, Class 9, Carried, and Non-bulk must be checked on line 25 (for miscellaneous hazardous material like flammable liquids). 

  • Section 31 - Company Officer Signature (i.e., owner, president, partner) 
    A signature is required and must match a company officer listed on line 30  

  • Section 31 - Filing Date  

If you update your MCS-150 online, the system will be updated as of that date.  If you send a paper MCS-150 on the same date or earlier, it cannot be processed. Ensure the date on your MCS-150 is greater than the last online update

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