Highly Automated Commercial Vehicles (HACVs) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Listening Session
If you would like to submit a question, please email: ListeningSession@dot.gov.
Highly Automated Commercial Vehicles (HACVs)
Should all comments be exhausted early, the session will conclude. Discussion Questions FMCSA seeks information on issues that need to be addressed to ensure that the Federal safety regulations provide appropriate standards for the safe operation of HACVs from design and development through testing and deployment. Specifically, FMCSA welcomes comments on the application of the following regulatory provisions in title 49 CFR to HACVs:
FMCSA requests comments on how enforcement officials could identify CMVs capable of various levels of automated operation and the types of HACV equipment that can be effectively inspected at roadside. The Agency welcomes the opportunity to work with all interested parties to identify actions that may be necessary to address regulatory barriers while ensuring the safe operation of HACVs. |