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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Drug & Alcohol Testing Requirements

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May an employer (motor carrier) disclose information required to be maintained under 49 CFR part 382 (pertaining to a driver) to the driver or the decision maker in a lawsuit, grievance, or other proceeding (including, but not limited to, worker’s compens

Section § 382.405: Access to facilities and records.

Guidance Q&A

Question 4: May an employer (motor carrier) disclose information required to be maintained under 49 CFR part 382 (pertaining to a driver) to the driver or the decision maker in a lawsuit, grievance, or other...

Must a motor carrier respond to a third-party administrator’s request (as directed by the specific, written consent of the driver authorizing release of the information on behalf of an entity such as a motor carrier) to release driver information that is

Section § 382.405: Access to facilities and records.

Guidance Q&A

Question 2: Must a motor carrier respond to a third-party administrator’s request (as directed by the specific, written consent of the driver authorizing release of the information on behalf of an...

May employers who are subject to other Federal agencies’ regulations, such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, etc., allow those agencies to view or have access to test records required to be prepared and mai

Section § 382.405: Access to facilities and records.

Guidance Q&A

Question 1: May employers who are subject to other Federal agencies’ regulations, such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, etc., allow those agencies to view or have...

The Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA)regulations are written on an annual calendar year basis. Will foreign motor carriers, using this system, work from July 1 to June 30, or is everything to be managed on a six-month basis for the first year a

Section § 382.403: Reporting of results in a management information system

Guidance Q&A

Question 1: The Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA)regulations are written on an annual calendar year basis. Will foreign motor carriers, using this system, work from July 1 to June...


Federal Register Title and Cite

Controlled Substances and Alcohol Testing Responsibilities of Commercial Driver Staffing Agencies and Motor Carriers That Use Them, 81 FR 94481, (December 23, 2016)

The Federal Register text can be found on the Federal...