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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Working Group to Consider New Post-Accident Crash Data Elements for Tow-Away Crashes (FAST Act - Section 5306)


To convene a working group to review the data elements of post-accident reports for reportable tow-away accidents involving commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) and to report to the Secretary of Transportation its findings and any recommendations, including best practices for State post-accident reports to achieve the recommended data elements.


Section 5306 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, 2015 (FAST Act) required the Secretary of Transportation to convene a working group to review the data elements of post-accident reports for reportable tow-away crashes involving CMVs.


The working group considered requiring additional data elements in post-accident reports for reportable tow-away crashes involving CMVs, including:
  • The primary cause of the accident, if the primary cause can be determined; and
  • The physical characteristics of the CMV and any other vehicle involved in the accident, including:
  • The vehicle configuration;
  • The gross vehicle weight, if the weight can be readily determined;
  • The number of axles; and
  • The distance between axles, if the distance can be readily determined.


Working group report containing findings and recommendations; recommendations to the States for new data elements to collect following reportable CMV accidents.



April 2016: Convene working group (convened via teleconference on March 30)
April 26, 2016: In-person meeting to discuss Task 1 findings.
July 2016: In-person meeting to discuss Task 2 findings.
December 6-7, 2016: Public meeting of the Post-Accident Review Advisory Committee to review State police accident reports (PARs) and consider PAR best practices/requiring additional data elements on PARs
December 15, 2016: Advisory Committee submitted report with recommendations and ideas relating to PAR best practices
May 3, 2017: Advisory Committee submitted an update to its initial report and a second report with recommendations
June 4, 2017: Terminate working group after completing recommendations
January 2018: FMCSA to publish High Priority Grant Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) encouraging State adoption of Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria, 5th Edition (MMUCC5)
March 2018: NHTSA mapping of State data repositories to MMUCC5
July 2018: FMCSA prioritized list of MMUCC5 data elements; draft FMCSA IT systems business requirements document
January 2019: FMCSA deliver crash data reporting training to States


Post-working group activities are being completed internally.

Project Manager:

For more information, contact Scott Valentine of the Analysis Division at (202) 366-4869 or


Work being done in-house; working group employed in early stages.