Report on Motor Carrier Financial Responsibility (FAST Act - Section 5517)
To publish a report on the minimum levels of financial responsibility required under Section 31139 of Title 49, United States Code.
Section 5517 of the FAST Act requires the Secretary of Transportation to publish on a publicly accessible Internet Web site of the Department a report on the minimum levels of financial responsibility required under Section 31139 of Title 49, United States Code.
This study was to report, to the extent practicable, an analysis of (1) the differences between State insurance requirements and Federal requirements; (2) the extent to which minimum levels of financial responsibility adequately covered (A) medical care; (B) compensation; and (C) other identifiable costs; and (3) the frequency with which insurance claims exceeded the minimum levels of financial responsibility.
Final report.
January 2017: Publish report on publicly accessible U.S. Department of Transportation Web site.
FY 2016: $0 (work conducted internally)
Current Status:
Complete. Report is published and available at:
Last updated: Thursday, May 30, 2024