Advanced Fatigue Modeling for Individual Differences, Phase III (SBIR)
To develop the Trucking Fatigue Meter, a data analytics technology that uses existing streams of trucking data to evaluate driver fatigue and provide actionable feedback in near real-time.
This Phase III Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project continues work from the Phase IIB SBIR project to develop the Trucking Fatigue Meter. Industry adoption of the Trucking Fatigue Meter directly supports the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA’s) stated mission to prevent commercial motor vehicle (CMV)-related fatalities and injuries by reducing driver fatigue and increasing safety on U.S. highways. This project is relevant to individual drivers to mitigate the negative effects of fatigue due to job stressors. It is also relevant to trucking companies by providing tools to mitigate overall fatigue risk.
The contractor is developing enhanced capabilities for the Trucking Fatigue Meter, which provides carriers with objective quantitative feedback on how fatigue risk impacts driver safety, performance, and cost metrics. The solution will support integration either at the level of the carrier or the third-party telematics technology. The contractor has completed technical integrations of their technology with a number of leading telematics/electronic logging device vendors. The expanded capabilities of the technology will also support the automatic collection of wearable sleep data from drivers, the selection of operational fatigue countermeasures, and the provision of driver training in the domain of fatigue risk management. The contractor will seek to pilot the enhanced technology in collaboration with their existing CMV partners. To date these companies have been high-value development partners, as they are industry leading safety advocates willing to provide feedback to help craft their offering so that it delivers maximum value for their operation and their customers.
Final report; Trucking Fatigue Meter
Milestones: | Completed: |
March 2017: Kick-off Meeting | ☑ |
October 2017: Incorporate Safety Critical Events into the Trucking Fatigue Meter | ☑ |
March 2020: Final Briefing and Demonstration | ☑ |
Total Funding: $1,045,309.00
Pulsar Informatics, Inc.
Last updated: Thursday, May 30, 2024