Regulatory Guidance on Reporting Accidents Involving Fires
Regulatory Guidance on Reporting Accidents Involving Fires
Federal Register Title and Cite
Regulatory Guidance for Recording of Commercial Motor Vehicle Accidents Involving Fires, 72 Fed. Reg. 40250 (July 24, 2007)
The Federal Register text can be found on the Federal Register website. To view the Federal Register text, use the link below.
Federal Register Description/Summary
The FMCSA announces regulatory guidance concerning its definition of ‘‘accident.’’ The regulatory guidance is presented in a question-and answer form. The guidance is generally applicable to drivers, commercial motor vehicles, and motor carrier operations subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. All prior interpretations and regulatory guidance concerning the term ‘‘accident’’ issued previously in the Federal Register, as well as memoranda and letters, may no longer be relied upon as authoritative if they are inconsistent with the guidance published today. This guidance will provide the motor carrier industry and Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials with uniform information for use in determining whether certain vehicle fires must be recorded on the motor carrier’s accident register and considered in applying the Agency’s safety fitness procedures.