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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Trends Table 12. All Motor Vehicle Property Damage Only (PDO) Crash Statistics, 2000-2020

20T12.xlsx (15.77 KB)
Year All PDO Crashes Vehicles Involved in All PDO Crashes Million Vehicle Miles Traveled by All Motor Vehicles PDO Crashes (PDO Crashes per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled by All Motor Vehicles) Vehicles Involved in PDO Crashes (PDO Crashes per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled by All Motor Vehicles) Motor Vehicles Registered
2000 4,286,000 7,510,000 2,746,925 156.0 273.4 225,821,241
2001 4,282,000 7,480,000 2,795,610 153.2 267.6 235,331,381
2002 4,348,000 7,608,000 2,855,508 152.3 266.4 234,624,135
2003 4,365,000 7,594,000 2,890,221 151.0 262.7 236,760,033
2004 4,281,000 7,489,000 2,964,788 144.4 252.6 243,010,550
2005 4,304,000 7,511,000 2,989,430 144.0 251.3 247,421,120
2006 4,189,000 7,345,000 3,014,371 139.0 243.7 250,844,644
2007 4,275,000 7,431,000 3,031,124 141.0 245.2 254,403,081
2008 4,146,000 7,166,000 2,976,528 139.3 240.8 255,917,664
2009 3,957,000 6,868,000 2,956,764 133.8 232.3 254,212,610
2010 3,847,000 6,737,000 2,967,266 129.6 227.1 250,070,048
2011 3,778,000 6,637,000 2,950,402 128.1 225.0 253,215,681
2012 3,950,000 6,932,000 2,969,433 133.0 233.5 253,639,386
2013 4,066,000 7,134,000 2,988,280 136.1 238.7 255,876,822
2014 4,387,000 7,775,000 3,025,656 145.0 257.0 260,350,938
2015 4,548,000 8,084,000 3,095,373 146.9 261.2 263,610,219
2016* 4,670,000 8,194,000 3,174,408 147.1 258.1 268,799,083
2017* 4,530,000 8,028,000 3,212,347 141.0 249.9 272,480,899
2018* 4,807,000 8,551,000 3,240,327 148.4 263.9 273,602,100
2019* 4,806,000 8,580,000 3,261,772 147.4 263.0 276,491,174
2020* 3,622,000 6,271,000 2,903,622 124.7 216.0 275,924,442
*Beginning with data for 2016, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) replaced the General Estimates System (GES) with the Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS). Comparisons of 2016 (and later) CRSS estimates with older GES estimates should be performed with caution.
Notes: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) implemented an enhanced methodology for estimating registered vehicles and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by vehicle type beginning with data from 2007. As a result, involvement rates may differ, and in some cases significantly, from earlier years.  The rates displayed in this table are based on unrounded GES and CRSS data. 
Sources: VMT and Registered Vehicles: FHWA, Highway Statistics 2020. PDO Crashes and Vehicles Involved: NHTSA, GES (2000-2015) and CRSS (2016-2020).
Last updated: Tuesday, February 7, 2023