Accelerating SmartPark Deployment
To independently assess the status of the deployment of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) for truck parking, evaluate market opportunities and barriers to their deployment, and develop strategies for overcoming any identified barriers.
There is great demand for real-time information on truck parking availability; however, current deployment of ITS for truck parking is sporadic with no organized or standardized effort to deploy the available technology.
In this project, researchers performed an assessment of ITS technology for truck parking; conducted a market analysis, executing research on barriers and opportunities; and drafted a strategic plan for accelerated deployment of the technology. A stakeholder workshop to discuss and collect feedback on the strategic plan was also conducted.
A strategic plan to accelerate deployment of ITS for truck parking.
Milestones: |
Completed: |
October 2017: Kick-off meeting. | ☑ |
December 2017: Report on survey and assessment of ITS technologies. | ☑ |
March 2018: Report on market analysis. | ☑ |
June 2018: Report on opportunities and barriers. | ☑ |
July 2018: Draft strategic plan due. | ☑ |
August 2018: Conduct stakeholder workshop to collect feedback on draft strategic plan. | ☑ |
September 2018: Final strategic plan due. | ☑ |
FY17 Funding: $193,988
Current Status:
Final report/strategic plan published and available at
Battelle Memorial Institute
Last updated: Thursday, May 30, 2024