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Crime Prevention for Truckers Study

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shares the results of this study as the first Agency study concerning crimes, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, committed against truck drivers. The Agency appreciates that there are limitations, including, but not limited to, the scope, sensitivity, and findings of the study, and is committed to deepening our understanding and addressing these limitations through continued research and study. The Agency will to work with stakeholders, including the Women of Trucking Advisory Board, to inform the scope, methodology and sensitivity of the Agency’s next study.

This report presents the Crime Prevention for Truckers Study for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The overall goal of the project is to evaluate the prevalence of crimes being committed against women and minority truck drivers in the United States. The report summarizes literature relevant to the project’s objectives. Topics include frequency of crimes committed, nature of crimes, and contributing factors to crimes committed. The literature review findings were used to support and plan the remainder of the project tasks, which include implementing a truck driver survey, performing a data analysis, and composing a final report to conclude the findings. 

The report has been published in the National Transportation Library at

Last updated: Monday, February 27, 2023