ACE Program: Volpe Testing and Evaluation Support
Project Goal:
Under this project, the Volpe Center will support testing and evaluation under FMCSA's ACE program.
Volpe has been providing technical support to the agency in the test and independent evaluation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), automated driving systems (ADS), and cooperative driving automation (CDA) for commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). CDA technologies enable novel applications, not achievable by individual ADS- operated vehicles operating independently of each other, by sharing information that can be used to increase safety, efficiency, and reliability of the transportation system. The Volpe Center has worked with FMCSA to support its Automated CMV Evaluation (ACE) Program by providing support for test planning and data analysis. The ACE Program is a multi-faceted research, development, and test program that leverages government, academic, and industry partnerships. It focuses on roadside inspections of ADS-equipped CMVs, training of enforcement personnel, CMV ADAS and ADS performance measures of safety effectiveness, CMV driver readiness for advanced technologies, and CMV cybersecurity.
Volpe will provide project management, support in understanding the ACE program’s technology features and applications, testing and evaluation of selected ACE program’s systems and use case applications, technical support to ACE program demonstrations, and reporting.
Volpe Center