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No-Zone Help


To help educate the public about how to share the road safely with commercial vehicles, Congress directed the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to create a Share the Road public outreach program. In response, FHWA has established the popular No-Zone Campaign to caution drivers to stay clear of No-Zones -- the danger areas around trucks and buses where crashes are most likely to occur.

We are now conducting a study to review, evaluate, and develop improvements for the No-Zone Campaign, to identify similar programs, and to consider establishing a Share the Road coalition. The FHWA has contracted with Abacus Technology Corporation to help coordinate this study.

We want to learn what companies and other organizations may be doing to advance car and commercial motor vehicle highway safety and improve driving behavior. We are requesting that these companies and organizations, that are your readers, send us copies of their public outreach material that promotes Share the Road messages. Examples may include: (1) brochures, pamphlets, newsletters; (2) releases, press kits, news articles, public service announcements; (3) special event material such as speeches, photographs, and displays; (4) videos; (5) promotional merchandise; (6) Internet web sites; and (7) driver education material. We would like the material sent by September 1 to:

c/o Laurra Corsello, Abacus Technology Corporation
5454 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1100
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-6909
Telephone: (301) 907-7679; Fax: (301) 907-8508
Electronic mail:

For more information about the study or No-Zone Campaign, please contact David Longo of the Office of Motor Carriers at (202) 366-0456 or Laurra Corsello at (301) 907-7679. Thank you for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,

George Reagle
Associate Administrator for Motor Carriers