Waiver of IRP Requirements Hurricane Irma
Maryland Department of Transportation
Motor Vehicle Administration
State of Maryland
Waiver of IRP Requirements
WHEREAS, the state of Florida was adversely impacted by severe weather events caused by Hurricane IRMA which made landfall September 10, 2017; and
WHEREAS, there is anticipated travel of commercial vehicles pertaining to the loss of services including fuel deliveries, utilities and highway infrastructure repair, and delivery of other critical supplies that are not currently registered in the International Registration Plan (IRP) or have not been apportioned in these jurisdictions;
NOW THEREFORE, I, Christine Nizer, Administrator, Maryland Department of Transportation
Motor Vehicle Administration, acting under the authority vested in me by the Maryland Transportation Article 12, Subtitle 4 Reciprocal Arrangements with Other Jurisdictions do hereby order that effective September 15, 2017, Maryland will authorize a temporary waiver of IRP requirements. Thus, the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration authorizes a temporary waiver of normal weight and width restrictions on roads controlled by Maryland Department of Transportation, for the purpose to ensure that essential emergency relief supplies and support reach the affected areas in a timely manner. This pertains to shippers and carriers of essential relief supplies or to those that are providing restoration of utilities to severe weather impacted areas of Florida or the Eastern Seaboard.
This waiver will remain in effect for the duration of the emergency or until 11 :59 P.M. (ET), October 6, 2017, whichever is less.
Christine Nizer
Approved by: Administrator
Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration
Larry Hogan
Boyd K. Rutherford
Lt. Governor
Peter K. Rahn