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Massachusetts Declaration of Emergency pertaining to Severe Winter Weather

Governor’s Declaration of Emergency

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is forecast to experience a powerful winter storm of long duration impacting the entire Commonwealth with heavy snow and damaging winds; 
WHEREAS, the storm poses an imminent threat to public safety with a high likelihood of blizzard conditions, coastal flooding, downed trees, widespread power outages, beach erosion and property damage; 
WHEREAS, coastal flooding, storm surges and high winds in low lying areas may require the evacuation of residents as well as cause significant damage to public and private property;
WHEREAS, declaring a state of emergency will facilitate the Commonwealth's protection of persons arid property from the impacts of the storm: and expedite the use of Commonwealth resources, as well as the deployment of federal and interstate resources, to provide necessary assistance in the Commonwealth's emergency response and recovery efforts;
WHEREAS, the declaration of emergency will also permit the Commonwealth to request and receive mutual aid assistance from other states through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, and is a prerequisite to requesting a disaster declaration from the President of the United States; 
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that local communities will declare local states of emergency and will request resources and support from the Commonwealth's departments and agencies to assist them in dealing With this storm emergency; 
WHEREAS, the declaration of emergency will also facilitate the immediate procurement and deployment of goods and services necessary to ensuring a prompt and effective response to, and recovery from, this storm; and 
WHEREAS, the declaration of emergency will allow the Governor to issue such emergency orders as are necessary to protect the Commonwealth's residents and ensure the health, safety and security of their property; 
NOW THEREFORE, I, Charles D. Baker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, pursuant to the power provided by Chapter 639 of the Acts of 1950 do hereby issue this proclamation that there now exists in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a STATE OF EMERGENCY.
Pursuant to the powers granted to the Governor in Sections Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Eight-A of Chapter 639 of the Acts of 1950, as amended, and other provisions of the law, I shall from time to time issue recommendations, directions and orders as circumstances require. 
This proclamation of a STATE OF EMERGENCY is effective immediately and shall remain in effect until notice is given, pursuant to my judgment that the STATE OF EMERGENCY no longer exists.
Given in Framingham this 26th day of January in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen and of the Independence of the United States of America two hundred thirty-nine.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
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Last updated: Monday, January 26, 2015