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FAQs Regarding: FMCSA Amendment of the Extension of the Modified Emergency Declaration - 05-13-2022

Question:  Does the current COVID-19 Emergency Declaration include the transportation of fuel?
Answer:  Yes, the Emergency Declaration includes the transportation of fuel including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, ethyl alcohol, and heating fuel including propane, natural gas, and heating oil.
Question:  What does the May 13, 2022 amendment of the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration change?
Answer:  FMCSA amended the commodities covered by the Emergency Declaration to include heating fuel including propane, natural gas, and heating oil.
Question:  Why did FMCSA amend the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration?
Answer:  FMCSA amended the Emergency Declaration to address particular fuel needs arising out of the ongoing emergency and to broaden the categories of fuel shipments covered. 

Question: Does the Emergency Declaration require a motor carrier to demonstrate that the fuel commodities listed in Item 6* are being hauled to support specific COVID-19 relief efforts?
Answer: No. FMCSA has determined that currently the production and transport of these fuels is significantly impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 National Emergency so no demonstration is required.
* The following fuel commodities are listed in Item 6 of the Emergency Declaration: gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, ethyl alcohol, and heating fuel including propane, natural gas, and heating oil.

Last updated: Monday, May 16, 2022