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Extension Of Regional Emergency Declaration Under 49 CFR 390.25 11-06-2017

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 
Eastern Service Center
802 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite N
Glen Burnie, MD 21601
Southern Service Center
1900 Century Boulevard, Suite 1700
Atlanta, GA 30345

November 6, 2017


The Regional Field Administrators for FMCSA's Southern and Eastern Service Centers hereby declare that an emergency exists that warrants extension of the Regional Declaration of Emergency issued on September 6, 2017 as amended, and continuing the exemption granted in accordance with 49 CFR 390.23(a)(1) from Parts 390 through 399 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) for Affected States and jurisdictions, except as otherwise restricted herein. Affected States and jurisdictions included in this extension of the Emergency Declaration are: Florida, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

On September 6, 2017, in response to anticipated damage resulting from Hurricane Irma, FMCSA issued a Regional Declaration of Emergency for several States and jurisdictions including the State of Florida, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands; the Declaration was amended on September 7 and 10, 2017 to include additional States and jurisdictions. The Declaration was amended again on September 19, 2017 in anticipation of damage resulting from Hurricanes Jose and Maria. The Emergency Declaration was extended on October 4, 2017 for specific Affected States and jurisdictions with ongoing emergency conditions.

Because emergency conditions in the above-listed Affected States and jurisdictions have not abated, FMCSA is extending the Emergency Declaration and associated regulatory relief in the Affected States and jurisdictions in accordance with 49 CFR 390.25. This extension of the Regional Declaration of Emergency addresses ongoing emergency conditions creating a need for immediate transporting of supplies and equipment into the Affected States and jurisdictions or transporting persons into or from the Affected States and jurisdictions or providing other assistance in the form of emergency services during the emergency in the Affected States and jurisdictions resulting from Hurricanes Irma, Jose and/or Maria.

By execution of this extension of the Emergency Declaration, motor carriers and drivers providing direct assistance to the emergency in the above-listed Affected States and jurisdictions in direct support of relief efforts related to Hurricanes Irma, Jose and/or Maria are granted emergency relief from Parts 390 through 399 of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations except as restricted herein.

Nothing contained in this extension of the Emergency Declaration shall be construed as an exemption from the controlled substances and alcohol use and testing requirements (49 CFR Part 382), the commercial driver's license requirements (49 CFR Part 383), the financial responsibility (insurance) requirements (49 CFR Part 387), hazardous materials regulations (49 CFR Parts 100 through 180), applicable size and weight requirements, or any other portion of the regulations not specifically authorized pursuant to 49 CFR 390.23

By execution of this extension to the Emergency Declaration, motor carriers and drivers providing direct assistance to the emergency in the Affected States and jurisdictions are not granted emergency relief from, and must continue to comply with, the following Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) and conditions:

  1. 49 CFR 392.2 related to the operation of a commercial motor vehicle in accordance with State laws and regulations, including compliance with applicable speed limits and other traffic restrictions.
  2. 49 CFR 392.3 related to operation of a commercial motor vehicle while a driver's ability or alertness is so impaired, or so likely to become impaired, through fatigue, illness, or any other cause, as to make it unsafe for him/her to begin or continue to operate the commercial motor vehicle.
  3. Motor carriers shall not require or allow fatigued drivers to operate a commercial motor vehicle. A driver who informs a carrier that he/she needs immediate rest shall be given at least ten consecutive hours before the driver is required to return to service.
  4. Drivers are required to comply with the portions of 49 CFR Part 395 related to the preparation, retention and accuracy of a driver's record of duty status (RODS). Drivers are directed to note "Emergency Declaration" in the remarks section of the RODS to identify that their operation is in direct assistance to the emergency relief.
  5. A motor carrier whose driver is involved in a crash while operating under this emergency declaration must report any recordable crash within 24 hours, by phone or in writing, to the FMCSA Division Office where the motor carrier is domiciled. The carrier must report the date, time, location, driver, vehicle identification, and brief description of the crash.
  6. Motor carriers or drivers currently subject to an out-of-service order are not eligible for the relief granted by this declaration until they have met the applicable conditions for its rescission and the order has been rescinded by FMCSA.
  7. Drivers for motor carriers operating under this declaration must have a copy of the declaration in their possession.
  8. Upon termination of direct assistance to the emergency relief effort, the motor carrier and driver are subject to the requirements of 49 CFR Parts 390 through 399, except that a driver may return empty to the motor carrier's terminal or the driver's normal work reporting location under the terms of the declaration. Direct assistance terminates when a driver or commercial motor vehicle is used in interstate commerce to transport cargo or provide services not directly supporting the emergency relief effort or when the motor carrier dispatches a driver or commercial motor vehicle to another location to begin operations in commerce. Upon return to the terminal or other location, such driver must be relieved of all duty and responsibilities.
  9. Upon termination of direct assistance to the emergency relief effort, no motor carrier shall require or permit any driver used by it to drive, nor shall any such driver drive in interstate commerce until the driver has met the minimum hours off duty requirements of 49 CFR 395.3 (property carriers), and 395.5 (passenger carriers).

In accordance with 49 CFR 390.25, this extension to the Emergency Declaration is effective immediately and shall remain in effect for the duration of the emergency (as defined in 49 CFR 390.5) or until 11:59 P.M. (ET), January 8, 2018, whichever is less.

Curtis L. Thomas, Regional Field Administrator
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Eastern Service Center

Darrell L. Ruban, Regional Field Administrator
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Southern Service Center

Last updated: Monday, November 6, 2017