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Declaration of Civil Preparedness Emergency: Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 28-9, until further notice.


March 13, 2017

The Honorable Denise Merrill
Secretary of the State
State Capitol
210 Capitol A venue
Hartford, CT 06106

RE: Declaration of Civil Preparedness Emergency

Dear Secretary Merrill:

Due to the severe weather conditions predicted to affect the State, specifically the National Weather Service issuance of winter storm and/or blizzard warnings covering all of or part of Connecticut from now through the day tomorrow, March 14; I am hereby proclaiming a state of civil preparedness emergency, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 28-9, until further notice.

I am filing this proclamation with you under my hand and seal on this 13th day of March, 2017.


Dannel P. Malloy

TIME: 4:14 pm



Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 28-9(b )( 4), I issue the following order:

  • There shall be a prohibition on all vehicular traffic, including passenger vehicles, on limited access highways in the State starting at 5 am, Tuesday March 14, 2017, until further notice. These prohibitions do not extend to emergency response and recovery vehicles, including public safety vehicles, utilities vehicles and vehicles carrying essential personnel or supplies.

By Order of the Governor


Dannel P. Malloy

DATED: 3/13/17

TIME: 4:15 pm

Last updated: Tuesday, March 14, 2017