MCMIS Catalog and Documentation - Description and Available Reports
Description and Available Reports
Available Reports | Description |
File Extracts
For each type of report (Census, Crash, Inspection, etc.) the File Extract contains the essential, basic data. For example, Census File Extracts draw their data from MCMIS, which contains demographic and safety information on all active commercial motor carriers and HM shippers. Crash File Extracts contain data from State reported crashes. For further information on each File Extract, consult the appropriate documentation. |
Personal Reports
You can personalize some reports to meet your own specialized needs. For example, you can tailor Personalized Reports to include specific data elements, or to focus on specific years, or to include specific carriers. Census and Crash reports can be personalized in slightly different ways, so consult the proper documentation to decide which way best suits your needs. |
Court Reports
While other MCMIS reports display the contents of specified records and various data elements, Count Reports display numbers only. For instance, a Crash Count Report simply shows how many crashes fall into the categories you specify, while a Census Count Report shows how many carriers fall into the categories you specify. Each report type (Census, Crash, etc.) can be counted in different ways, so consult the proper documentation to decide which way best suits your needs. |
This extract contains data describing the commercial vehicle crashes reported to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Crashes are grouped by the calendar year in which they occurred. Currently, the state-reported crash file elements are available from the years 1994 to present.
DATA ELEMENTS: | Each crash record contains data elements describing the circumstances of the crash, the motor carrier, and the vehicles involved. Some key elements provided are:
You can tailor this report to meet your own specialized crash data needs. The Personalized Crash Report contains basic information on federally recordable individual commercial-vehicle crashes, plus up to four data elements of your choice.
A "recordable" crash is one that has a fatality, an injury requiring medical attention away from the scene of the crash, or a vehicle towed away.
Crashes are grouped by the calendar year in which they occurred. Currently, MCMIS contains crash data, as reported by state personnel, for the years 1994 to present.
You decide which year(s) your report should cover (you may specify up to three years), which crashes within those years are to be included, and the order in which crashes are to appear in the report. For guidelines and examples of how to do this, see How to Order a Personalized Report.
While other MCMIS reports display the contents of specified census or crash records, the Crash Count Report simply shows how many federally recordable crashes fall into the categories you specify. A "recordable" crash is one that has a fatality, an injury requiring medical attention away from the scene of the crash, or a vehicle towed away. In other words, this report displays numbers only.
You specify which crashes should be counted and how they should be grouped, using data elements from the State-Reported Crash File elements. For example, you could request that crashes which occurred in Vermont during 1994 be grouped and counted according to the time of day and the day of the week in which they occurred. For additional examples and guidelines on formulating your request, see How to Order a Count Report.
DATA ELEMENTS: | For a complete list of the elements you may use to select and group crashes, see State-Reported Crash File Elements |
This extract provides descriptive information on every active company in the MCMIS Census File. The file from which the extract is generated is updated bi-weekly, and currently contains over 1 million Interstate carriers and HM shippers.
DATA ELEMENTS | Each company record includes over 50 data elements which identify the company and describe its operations, cargo, number of drivers, and vehicles. Some key elements provided are: Legal Company Name (Legal Business Name) Doing Business As (DBA) Name Complete Address (Physical/Mailing) USDOT Number Telephone Number Carrier Operation Cargo(es) Carried Fleet Size Number of Drivers Subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) Safety Rating For a complete list of the data elements, see Census File Elements. |
The Personalized Census Report contains basic motor carrier identification data plus up to four data elements of your choice. Using data from the MCMIS Census File, you can tailor this report to meet your own informational needs. You decide which companies are to be included in your report and the order in which they should appear. For guidelines and examples of how to do this, see How to Order a Personalized Report.
DATA ELEMENTS | USDOT Number MC (Motor Carrier) Docket Number (formerly the ICC number) Docket Number Carrier Name (Legal & DBA) Carrier Street (Mailing) Carrier City (Mailing) Carrier State (Mailing) Carrier ZIP Code (Mailing) Plus up to four additional data elements from the MCMIS Census File. (For a complete list of available elements, see Census File Elements. |
Unlike other MCMIS reports which display the contents of specified census or crash records, the Census Count Report simply shows how many companies fall into the categories you specify. In other words, this report displays numbers only.
You specify which carriers should be counted and how they should be grouped, using data elements from the MCMIS Census File. For example, you could request that all interstate companies located in Ohio be grouped and counted by principal cargo. For additional examples and guidelines on formulating your request, see How to Order a Count Report.
DATA ELEMENTS | For a complete list of the elements you may use to select and group carriers, see Census File Elements |
The FMCSA Inspection File contains data from State and Federal inspection actions involving Motor Carriers, Shippers of Hazardous Materials, and Transporters of Hazardous Materials operating in the U.S. The majority of the inspections were conducted at the roadside by state personnel under the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP).
DATA ELEMENTS | Inspection Table Carrier Table Unit Table Violation Table Special Studies Table For a complete listing of Data Elements in these tables, consult the Inspection File Documentation. |
The Personalized Inspection Report contains basic motor carrier identification data plus up to four data elements of your choice. Using data from the MCMIS Inspection File, you can tailor this report to meet your own informational needs. The majority of the inspections were conducted at the roadside by state personnel under the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP). In addition to the basic information included in every Personalized Inspection. For guidelines and examples of how to do this see How to Order a Personalized Report.
DATA ELEMENTS | USDOT Number Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Docket Number (MC number) Carrier Name Carrier Street (Mailing) Carrier City (Mailing) Carrier State (Mailing) Carrier ZIP Code (Mailing) Violation Part Number Violation Section Number Plus up to four additional data elements from the MCMIS Inspection File.(For a complete list of available elements, see Inspection File Documentation. |
Unlike other MCMIS reports, which display the contents of specified census or crash records, the Inspection Count Report simply shows how many inspections fall into the categories you specify. In other words, this report displays numbers only.
You specify which inspections should be counted and how they should be grouped, using data elements from the MCMIS Inspection File. For example you could request that all inspections in Ohio be grouped and counted by a specific violation code. For additional examples and guidelines on formulating your request, see How to Order a Count Report.
DATA ELEMENTS | For a complete list of the elements, you may use to select and group carriers, see Inspection File Documentation. |
* Subscriptions are available for single carriers. A quarterly report is $55.00, a semi-annual report is $110.00 and a yearly subscription (one CSP/month) is $330.00.
Call 1-800-832-5660 or contact us online if you have questions about the MCMIS Catalog.